Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another Midnight Draft!

by Babbs

Alright, another draft! Same style as last time, so feel free to read "A Boy and His Cube" if you are lost!

Unfortunately I have no list of my deck this time around, but you’ll get the gist of it, I promise you!

Game One

Dan is running a hyper-aggressive Naya deck featuring some brutal anti-control cards (Glowrider, Spellbreaker Behemoth, Ajani Vengeant). I drafted Grixis mill/control featuring a flurry of high casting cost cards that will end the game (Sphinx of Jwar Isle, Cruel Ultimatum, Nicol Bolas).

I win the die roll. I play Swamp…Go. Dan responds with a Goblin Guide who bashes me for two after revealing both a Graven Cairns and the fact that I am in big trouble. I Narcolepsy his goblin and pass to Dan, who fixes with Kazandu Refuge and passes Me: 18, Dan: 21

I mill Dan for ten with Mind Funeral and pass, very happy! Dan plays Vulshock Sorcerer, which pings me as I play a land and pass. Dan then drops Lord of Shatterskull Pass, prompting an incredulous “What?!” from me before he passes. I Flame Javelin it on his end step, and go to sixteen from the sorcerer as I play land, Go again. Dan has no play, and I run out Loxodon Warhammer and go to fifteen from the Sorcerer again.

Dan drops Kumano, Master Yamabushi on his turn,which I absolutely must deal with. I Banefire it on my turn, and pass with seven mana. I go to fourteen from the darned sorceror. Dan has no Plains so far this game, seemingly from the Mind Funeral. I drop to thirteen as I pass again, but Dan has no further plays, apparently screwed for white. I rip a Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief on my turn and run her out, dropping to twelve. Dan again has no play…. I use Drana to finally kill the sorceror and drop Dan to sixteen, and with Dan still showing no white I attack again the next turn for four after killing his Kazandu Tuskaller on his endstep.

Dan draws and plays a Plains, then tanks for a bit before using Naya Charm to get back the Ajani Vengeant I milled earlier and passing, but I have a backbreaker in a hardcast Archive Trap for his library on his endstep.

Game Two

We both have no plays until Dan runs out a turn three Druid of the Anima, apparently with no third mana source, so I kill it with a Disfigure on my turn. Dan drops Quasali Pridemage on his turn and passes, still on two land. I think for a bit on my turn, with no fourth land, but drop a Goblin Assault to see if I can race. Dan rips a forest on his turn, catching up in land, before running out Glowrider and passing with no attack.

I rip a Swamp and pay an extra mana to run out Loxodon Warhammer, which will probably eat a pridemage but whatever. Dan tries to drop Ajani Vengeant on his turn, before I pointed out that his glowrider prevented this, so instead he dropped Spellbreaker Behemoth before bashing me for three. I have no better play than to suit up my goblin and attack into the five-five, gaining four and losing the poor goblin. Dan crushes me for nine on his next turn and blows up the hammer with the pridemage before passing. Me: 12, Dan: 21.

I bash for one and cast Fleshbag Marauder, still missing a fifth land, causing Dan to lose his Glowrider and me to lose a goblin, and my marauder later as Dan uses Naya Charm on it during my endstep. Dan then drops the Ajani Vengeant and passes with no attack, tapping down my Mountain. I finally rip a land, but have no better play than to cast a Sword of Vengeance and send my poor goblin on a suicide run. Dan then drops Mycoid Shepherd, taps down my island, and bashes me to 7 with his fatty.

I draw no land, but run out a Grim Lavamancer and suit up a goblin to die in battle. Dan keeps up the pressure and when I draw no more answers I concede. I sideboard in some white walls and removal in between games, taking out both equipments and the Goblin Assault, as they seemed pretty awful last game. I fortunately have an Arcane Sanctum and a Mystic Gate with which to cast my Swords to Plowshares, Wall of Reverence, and Wall of Denial.

Game Three
I keep my hand and open on a Mountain. Dan again has Goblin Guide, but I do get a land in hand in exchange for my two life. I simply play an Island and pass, to which Dan plays Jungle Shrine and bashes, revealing Telemin Performance. I have no play other than another Mountain on my turn, whereas Dan has a Quasali Pridemage, bashing me down to thirteen and revealing Resounding Thunder.

I play another Island and burn the pridemage, missing black mana sorely. Dan drops Glowrider and bashes with the goblin again, finally giving me a swamp. I tap out to Flame Javelin the Glowrider on my turn. Dan simply bashes me to nine on his turn, revealing an uncastable Swords to Plowshares.

I cast Telemin performance on my turn, milling quite a few green sources that Dan seemed to need (from his reaction) and netting myself a Mycoid Shepherd on my side to stave off the lifeloss, but Dan has a bigger stick in the form of Kumano, Master Yamabushi. I count Dan’s lands before casting Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief on my turn and playing an Arcane Sanctum, my first white source. Dan sends in his team on his turn, netting me a Mountain and trading his Yamabushi with Mycoid Shepherd. Sadly, I gain no life from the shepherd because of Yamabushi’s ability, which is approximately the third time it has been relevant in a game, by my recollection. I go to six as a result of the Goblin Guide attack and a Yamabushi ping, before Dan drops a hazardous (for me) Vulshock Sorcerer and passes.

I drain the sorcerer on my turn, dropping to five in response before passing, opting not to burn removal on the Goblin. Dan drops Kazandu Refuge and passes, the life totals becoming Me: 5, Dan: 21. I drop a Wall of Denial on my turn, bash with the Drana, and drop a Sphinx of Jwar Isle. Upon peeking at the top card of my library several times in response to anything I could think of (Thraximundar), I pass the turn. At this point only a wrath effect or some brutal burn can cause me to lose this game. Dan runs out a Spellbreaker Behemoth and a Plated Geopede, but passes with no reasonable attack.

I Swords to Plowshares his behemoth, drop Thraximundar, bash for a ton eating the geopede with Thraxi's ability and get no blocks from y Dan, who I suppose is hoping for something that will make his Goblin Guide bypass my wall and finally finish me (perhaps Soul's Fire in hand, another burn spell off the top?), and pass with the life totals Me: 5, Dan: 6. Dan has no plays on his turn and concedes.

There you have it, another silly midnight draft! I promise you bigger and better things in the future, as well as additional opponents! I never did get to cast either my Cruel Ultimatum or my Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker on Dan. When I expressed that this was sad, he simply said “Not for me!” and went to bed.

Night all!

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